来源:安科瑞电气股份有限公司 时间:2025-03-03 02:41:09 [举报]
测量 Measurement 在测量状态下, 区域 1 、2 、3 显示当前 测量通道及温度、湿度值,并且三个传感器通 道的温湿度值循环测量、显示。 Under measuring condition , Area 1, 2, 3 display currently: measuring channel and temperature value, humidity value , temperature value,humidity value circling measurement and display of three sensor's channels.
在正常工作状态下,按住左方向键大于 3 秒,所有打开的通道无条件加热;按住右方向 键大于 3 秒, 所有打开的通道无条件鼓风。 Under the normal working condition, hold pressing the left directional key about 3 seconds,all the allowed channels are in heating; hold pressing the right directional key over 3 seconds,all the allowed channels are in blowing .